

The Message

People over property is a simple idea, but not our current reality.

We live in a country where only a few generations ago black people were considered property. In the generations since, racial equity has been systematically blocked, often by violence or with the threat of it. Today, four percent of wealth in America is owned by black people, eighty-five percent by white people. The typical black family has a net worth of $17,000, while the typical white family has a net worth ten times that amount at $170,000. When we talk about the destruction of property during BLM protests, we are mostly talking about the destruction of white property.

I founded People Over Property to take down one racist idea: that white people's property is more valuable than black life.

Will you join me?

By purchasing and wearing merch from People Over Property, you affirm that Black people are more important than white property. People are more important than property. This is a moral truth. This is not controversial. And this is not up for debate.

Until this phrase is reflected in the reality of this country and around the world, we must say it, we must shout it, and we must wear it.

Stay tuned for more collections in the future. I look forward to building a more equitable and just society with you.

Be About It,
PoP Founder